Multifocal lenses: life without glasses.

Multifocal lenses are an alternative option for age-related far-sightedness. This is also known as presbyopia and it is a gradual process, which starts at around the age of 45, although not everyone notices it at the same time: The body’s own lens loses its elasticity and so becomes increasingly less able to focus at different distances. Objects close up become more and more unclear and it becomes more difficult to read small print.

As an alternative to reading glasses or varifocals, which often cause dizziness or headaches, it has become common to exchange the body’s own rigid lens with “intelligent artificial lenses“, which break up the light into several focal points. They make it possible for the eye to see at different distances. These are therefore also referred to as multifocal lenses. The patient benefits from complete freedom from the need to wear glasses in his or her everyday life.

What do multifocal lenses offer?


Lens exchange: The benefits at a glance

  • Natural eyesight is restored
  • Eyesight is in focus close-up and at distance
  • No glasses for the rest of your life
  • Constant, unchanging vision
  • Outpatient procedure, approx. then minutes per eye
  • Tried and tested surgical technique (cataract operation)

  • Lens exchange: The operation step by step


    With refractive lens exchange using multifocal lenses, the body’s won lens is replaced with an intelligent artificial lens (multifocal lens). The procedure is very well-proven and has been used for decades to treat cataracts. It is therefore a routine procedure, which is carried out approx. 700,000 times every year in Germany alone.
    A small incision in the cornea allows access to the lens in the eye. The body’s own lens is removed and then an artificial lens is inserted, which has been matched individually to the patient. The surgeon inserts the lens into the eye using an injector, where it unfolds by itself and slides into the correct position. The small incision seals itself within a few seconds and does not need to be stitched.
    The procedure is usually over in less then ten minutes.
    As well as presbyopia, using multi-/trifocal lenses also corrects defects in vision such as short-sightedness, long-sightedness and astigmatism.

  • Lens exchange using multifocal lenses: Risks


    Refractive Lens Exchange using multifocal lenses is based in essence on the surgical technique used for routine cataract operations.
    Nevertheless, even with this operation – as with any other operation – there is a residual risk that complications may arise. As with all operations, even here there is a risk of an infection, although this can be kept to a minimum by the application of suitable antibiotic drops. In some exceptional cases, the lens capsule may become clouded after the operation (what is known as a secondary cataract). This can usually be removed with a simple laser procedure.
    So we can eliminate any potential risks as much as possible, the eye experts at the Cabinet de Chirurgie Réfractive in Luxembourg will carry out detailed preliminary examinations and post-operative checks as a matter of course and will be with you every step of the way.


The safety benefits of the Cabinet de Chirurgie Réfractive in Luxembourg

  • Comprehensive preliminary examination or consultation with experienced eye surgeons
  • Highly-qualified surgeons with many years of experience
  • Outpatient operation with local anesthetic and sedation with no need for
    “syringes in the eye“
  • An anesthetist will be present to monitor your heart and circulation
  • Modern artificial lenses made of collapsible material
  • Modern hospital rooms with current hygienic standards

Do you have any questions about Refractive Lens Exchange? Please do give us a call:

+352 269 489

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